Explore companies, universities or individuals’ profiles to get a general idea of their activity, skills, networks and scientific works. Understand why they are raised by the system on your Research topic.

Explore Profiles to get an idea of their activity

Explore companies, universities or individuals' profiles and drill down into their targeted competencies and networks.

Access to the last news related to an organization, their corporate activity (funding, investments, M&A), their collaborative network, their patenting & scientific activity and their web activity.

An organization profile contains the following sections:

A Key Opinion leader profile contains the following sections:

Understand why a player is relevant on the searched topic

You can quickly and easily understand why a profile is in the search results: when running a query, open the profile of an organizatino and explore the Why pane pane which highlights the reasons why an organization is raised by the system. It justifies and explains why an organization or an expert is relevant on the searched topic with elements in terms of:

  • Experience 
  • Momentum (recent activity)
  • Network and influence 
  • Patenting activity 
  • Scientific activity 
  • Buzz (web activity)

To get more detailed information on the Why pane for organizations, please refer to Organization Profile - Why

To get more detailed information on the Why pane for KOL, please refer to Key Opinion Leader - Why

The Why pane is the only pane containing information related to your topic. The other sections provide information related to the organization.