What is this metric used for?

The Patent Investment Dynamic allows you to assess whether the technology you are evaluating is currently trending.

By analyzing the patent filed over the last 20 years, you can see players’ dynamics. Are they still investing heavily on the technology studied or on the contrary, have they disengaged? Pattern of the patent filings reveals the innovation life cycles.

How is the graphic built?

The Patent Investment Dynamic graph aggregates the volumes of the first patent fillings relating to the technology. The result is presented year by year over the last 20 years. An average annual growth rate is calculated over the last 5 years to better visualize the recent trend.

To go further

The graph shows the variation in percentage of the number of first patent filings related to the topic on a defined interval of years (by default on the 3 last years with consolidated data). 

A new invention represents the first filing of a technology and is based on the first application date of the family.

The technology growth trend assessment is based on the following values: