What is this metric used for?

The Did you know helps to identify some competitors you may have not yet identified on the searched topic.

By using scientific production (articles, theses, conferences, etc.), intellectual property, networks, projects, clinical trials and web visibility of research companies, it is possible to identify new competitors.

How is the graphic built?

The graph highlights the number of possible competitors related to a specific search. 

This selection is based on scientific production (articles, theses, conferences...), IP, networks, projects, clinical trials and visibility of the players. 

Each of these criteria is also analyzed via a technology graph according to several weights related to volumes, dates, scientific recognition, visibility, etc.

Click the Possible Competitors and the Emerging graph to access to the full list of organizations' profiles.

To go further

Possible Competitors

The list of possibles competitors includes companies or organizations that have published scientific document(s) or filed patent(s) or participated to project(s) or clinical trial(s) or communicated on topics  related to your search. 

Organizations are ordered by default by relevance. 

The relevancy of an organization is mainly based on the following indicators:

  • Number of published documents (all types of documents) 
  • Sum of the scores of its documents (all types) 
  • Centrality in the query network : the centrality is an indicator based on the number and distance of connections of a node in a network. 
  • Diversity of scientific works (number of different types) 
  • Sum of the scores of the company web pages 


The list of emerging competitors includes start-ups that have published scientific document(s) or filed patent(s) or participated to project(s) or clinical trial(s) or communicated on topics  related to your search.  

Start-ups are defined by the number of employees below 250.

The relevancy of a start-up is mainly based on the following indicators:

  • Number of published documents (all types of documents) 
  • Sum of the scores of its documents (all types) 
  • Centrality in the query network : the centrality is an indicator based on the number and distance of connections of a node in a network. 
  • Diversity of scientific works (number of different types) 
  • Sum of the scores of the company web pages